Re: [PATCH v2 2/8] iommu: Validate that devices match domains

From: Baolu Lu
Date: Sat Jan 28 2023 - 03:04:47 EST

On 2023/1/27 2:26, Robin Murphy wrote:
Before we can allow drivers to coexist, we need to make sure that one
driver's domain ops can't misinterpret another driver's dev_iommu_priv
data. To that end, add a token to the domain so we can remember how it
was allocated - for now this may as well be the device ops, since they
still correlate 1:1 with drivers. We can trust ourselves for internal
default domain attachment, so add the check where it covers both the
external attach interfaces.

Signed-off-by: Robin Murphy<robin.murphy@xxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Lu Baolu <>

Best regards,