RE: [PATCH 3/3] arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-zhihe: Add initial device tree for zhihe Wifi/LTE dongle UFI-001C and uf896

From: forbidden405
Date: Tue Jan 10 2023 - 14:02:21 EST

I removed Cc temporary because I had sent them the same email once. No need
to send the email to them again.

> On 10/01/2023 19:30 krzysztof.kozlowski@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> You install this kernel with DTB on some device so clearly you have such
> device
> in hand, right? It has then some manufacturer, some company. If it is USB
> stick
> as you said, then it has even vendor ID, which might be or might not be
> real.

The vendor extracted from `/system/build.prop` and USB vendor ID is fake,
even IMEI is stolen from some other mobile phones. Seems like the vendor
deliberately tries to be anonymous. Some people had tried to extract info
from stock firmware and on the Internet. But until now, we have no clear
evidence to know the manufacturer.

Best regards,