Re: Out-of-tree devfreq governor header

From: John Moon
Date: Mon Jan 09 2023 - 13:43:05 EST

Fixing CC list. Apologies!

On 1/9/2023 10:30 AM, John Moon wrote:
Hi all,

We have an out-of-tree devfreq governor which uses the "governor.h" header from "drivers/devfreq". The source code for the governor is public on CodeLinaro [1].

Currently, the driver directly includes the "governor.h" header even though it's not a public header. A comment at the top of "governor.h" says explicitly: "This header is for devfreq governors in drivers/devfreq/".

Could you please advise the best way to use this private devfreq header from an out-of-tree governor? Could we move the header into "include/linux"?

