Re: [PATCH] exit: Put an upper limit on how often we can oops

From: Solar Designer
Date: Mon Nov 07 2022 - 16:18:47 EST

On Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 09:13:17PM +0100, Jann Horn wrote:
> +oops_limit
> +==========
> +
> +Number of kernel oopses after which the kernel should panic when
> +``panic_on_oops`` is not set.

Rather than introduce this separate oops_limit, how about making
panic_on_oops (and maybe all panic_on_*) take the limit value(s) instead
of being Boolean? I think this would preserve the current behavior at
panic_on_oops = 0 and panic_on_oops = 1, but would introduce your
desired behavior at panic_on_oops = 10000. We can make 10000 the new
default. If a distro overrides panic_on_oops, it probably sets it to 1
like RHEL does.

Are there distros explicitly setting panic_on_oops to 0? If so, that
could be a reason to introduce the separate oops_limit.

I'm not advocating one way or the other - I just felt this should be
explicitly mentioned and decided on.
