Re: [PATCH] fs/userfaultfd: Fix maple tree iterator in userfaultfd_unregister()

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Mon Nov 07 2022 - 16:18:20 EST

On Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 12:12 PM Liam Howlett <liam.howlett@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> When iterating the VMAs, the maple state needs to be invalidated if the
> tree is modified by a split or merge to ensure the maple tree node
> contained in the maple state is still valid. These invalidations were
> missed, so add them to the paths which alter the tree.

I have applied this as an obvious fix, but I would *really* want to
also see longer-term

- I'd really like the 'mas' operations to have 'vma' specializations
that get the type safety right

- that mas_pause() name is horrible, please let's just fix it to
something sensible in this context

- moving the iterator invalidation into split_vma() and vma_merge()
or at least have some other means of not having these mistakes

>From what I can tell, things like mprotect() and mlock() - end up not
using the iterator at all because of this issue. Instead they seem to
just do

vma = find_vma(current->mm, prev->vm_end);

despite having actually started out with the whole iterator state.
Except for 'apply_mlockall_flags()' that randomly does end up usign
the iterator (and has that mas_pause() as a result).

So it would make *sense* to have "mlock_fixup()" take a MA_STATE
instead of "vma, &prev" as arguments, but it doesn't.

I dunno. Maybe there's some other reason for this very non-intuitive
mix of "sometimes iterators, sometimes not, and always horrible
