[PATCH] arm64: dts: mediatek: Initial mt8365-evk support

From: Bernhard Rosenkränzer
Date: Mon Nov 07 2022 - 16:13:35 EST

From: Fabien Parent <fparent@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

This adds minimal support for the MediaTek 8365 SOC and the EVK reference
board, allowing the board to boot to initramfs with serial port I/O.

GPIO keys are supported, MMC is partially supported (needs the clocks
driver for full support).

Signed-off-by: Fabien Parent <fparent@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
[bero@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Removed parts depending on drivers that aren't upstream yet, cleanups]
Signed-off-by: Bernhard Rosenkränzer <bero@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Compared to the previous version of the patch submitted by Fabien
Parent, this removes dependencies on drivers/patches that are not yet in
mainline (obviously this comes with some reduced functionality for now;
this will be added back as drivers are accepted), and addresses some
feedback from reviewers.

arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/Makefile | 1 +
arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365-evk.dts | 344 +++++++++++
arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365.dtsi | 602 ++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 947 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365-evk.dts
create mode 100644 arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365.dtsi

diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/Makefile b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/Makefile
index 0ec90cb3ef289..e668fd50a3326 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/Makefile
@@ -46,4 +46,5 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_MEDIATEK) += mt8195-cherry-tomato-r2.dtb
dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_MEDIATEK) += mt8195-cherry-tomato-r3.dtb
dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_MEDIATEK) += mt8195-demo.dtb
dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_MEDIATEK) += mt8195-evb.dtb
+dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_MEDIATEK) += mt8365-evk.dtb
dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_MEDIATEK) += mt8516-pumpkin.dtb
diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365-evk.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365-evk.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a24e478fff51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365-evk.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 BayLibre, SAS.
+ * Authors:
+ * Fabien Parent <fparent@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ * Bernhard Rosenkränzer <bero@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/mt8365-pinfunc.h>
+#include "mt8365.dtsi"
+/ {
+ model = "MediaTek MT8365 Open Platform EVK";
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-evk", "mediatek,mt8365";
+ aliases {
+ serial0 = &uart0;
+ };
+ chosen {
+ stdout-path = "serial0:921600n8";
+ };
+ firmware {
+ optee {
+ compatible = "linaro,optee-tz";
+ method = "smc";
+ };
+ };
+ gpio-keys {
+ compatible = "gpio-keys";
+ input-name = "gpio-keys";
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&gpio_keys>;
+ key-volume-up {
+ gpios = <&pio 24 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+ label = "volume_up";
+ linux,code = <KEY_VOLUMEUP>;
+ wakeup-source;
+ debounce-interval = <15>;
+ };
+ };
+ memory@40000000 {
+ device_type = "memory";
+ reg = <0 0x40000000 0 0xc0000000>;
+ };
+ usb_otg_vbus: regulator-2 {
+ compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+ regulator-name = "otg_vbus";
+ regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+ regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+ gpio = <&pio 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+ enable-active-high;
+ };
+ reserved-memory {
+ #address-cells = <2>;
+ #size-cells = <2>;
+ ranges;
+ /* 12 MiB reserved for OP-TEE (BL32)
+ * +-----------------------+ 0x43e0_0000
+ * | SHMEM 2MiB |
+ * +-----------------------+ 0x43c0_0000
+ * | | TA_RAM 8MiB |
+ * + TZDRAM +--------------+ 0x4340_0000
+ * | | TEE_RAM 2MiB |
+ * +-----------------------+ 0x4320_0000
+ */
+ optee_reserved: optee@43200000 {
+ no-map;
+ reg = <0 0x43200000 0 0x00c00000>;
+ };
+ };
+&i2c1 {
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&i2c1_pins>;
+ clock-frequency = <100000>;
+ status = "okay";
+&pio {
+ dpi_func_pins: dpi-func-pins {
+ pins {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_0_GPIO0__FUNC_DPI_D0>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_1_GPIO1__FUNC_DPI_D1>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_2_GPIO2__FUNC_DPI_D2>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_3_GPIO3__FUNC_DPI_D3>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_4_GPIO4__FUNC_DPI_D4>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_5_GPIO5__FUNC_DPI_D5>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_6_GPIO6__FUNC_DPI_D6>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_7_GPIO7__FUNC_DPI_D7>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_8_GPIO8__FUNC_DPI_D8>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_9_GPIO9__FUNC_DPI_D9>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_10_GPIO10__FUNC_DPI_D10>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_11_GPIO11__FUNC_DPI_D11>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_12_GPIO12__FUNC_DPI_DE>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_14_GPIO14__FUNC_DPI_CK>,
+ drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_4mA>;
+ };
+ };
+ dpi_idle_pins: dpi-idle-pins {
+ pins {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_0_GPIO0__FUNC_GPIO0>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_1_GPIO1__FUNC_GPIO1>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_2_GPIO2__FUNC_GPIO2>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_3_GPIO3__FUNC_GPIO3>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_4_GPIO4__FUNC_GPIO4>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_5_GPIO5__FUNC_GPIO5>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_6_GPIO6__FUNC_GPIO6>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_7_GPIO7__FUNC_GPIO7>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_8_GPIO8__FUNC_GPIO8>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_9_GPIO9__FUNC_GPIO9>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_10_GPIO10__FUNC_GPIO10>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_11_GPIO11__FUNC_GPIO11>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_12_GPIO12__FUNC_GPIO12>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_13_GPIO13__FUNC_GPIO13>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_14_GPIO14__FUNC_GPIO14>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_15_GPIO15__FUNC_GPIO15>;
+ };
+ };
+ gpio_keys: gpio-keys-pins {
+ pins {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_24_KPCOL0__FUNC_KPCOL0>;
+ bias-pull-up;
+ input-enable;
+ };
+ };
+ i2c1_pins: i2c1-pins {
+ pins {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_59_SDA1__FUNC_SDA1_0>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_60_SCL1__FUNC_SCL1_0>;
+ mediatek,pull-up-adv = <3>;
+ mediatek,drive-strength-adv = <00>;
+ bias-pull-up;
+ };
+ };
+ ite_pins: ite-pins {
+ pins-rst-ite {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_69_CMDAT1__FUNC_GPIO69>;
+ output-high;
+ };
+ pins-irq-ite {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_68_CMDAT0__FUNC_GPIO68>;
+ input-enable;
+ bias-pull-up;
+ };
+ pins-pwr {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_70_CMDAT2__FUNC_GPIO70>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_71_CMDAT3__FUNC_GPIO71>;
+ output-high;
+ };
+ };
+ mmc0_pins_default: mmc0-default-pins {
+ pins-clk {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_99_MSDC0_CLK__FUNC_MSDC0_CLK>;
+ bias-pull-down;
+ };
+ pins-cmd-dat {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_103_MSDC0_DAT0__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT0>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_102_MSDC0_DAT1__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT1>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_101_MSDC0_DAT2__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT2>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_100_MSDC0_DAT3__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT3>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_96_MSDC0_DAT4__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT4>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_95_MSDC0_DAT5__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT5>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_94_MSDC0_DAT6__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT6>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_93_MSDC0_DAT7__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT7>,
+ input-enable;
+ bias-pull-up;
+ };
+ pins-rst {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_97_MSDC0_RSTB__FUNC_MSDC0_RSTB>;
+ bias-pull-up;
+ };
+ };
+ mmc0_pins_uhs: mmc0-uhs-pins {
+ pins-clk {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_99_MSDC0_CLK__FUNC_MSDC0_CLK>;
+ drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_10mA>;
+ bias-pull-down = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_10>;
+ };
+ pins-cmd-dat {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_103_MSDC0_DAT0__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT0>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_102_MSDC0_DAT1__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT1>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_101_MSDC0_DAT2__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT2>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_100_MSDC0_DAT3__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT3>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_96_MSDC0_DAT4__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT4>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_95_MSDC0_DAT5__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT5>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_94_MSDC0_DAT6__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT6>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_93_MSDC0_DAT7__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT7>,
+ input-enable;
+ drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_10mA>;
+ bias-pull-up = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_01>;
+ };
+ pins-ds {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_104_MSDC0_DSL__FUNC_MSDC0_DSL>;
+ drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_10mA>;
+ bias-pull-down = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_10>;
+ };
+ pins-rst {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_97_MSDC0_RSTB__FUNC_MSDC0_RSTB>;
+ drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_10mA>;
+ bias-pull-up;
+ };
+ };
+ mmc1_pins_default: mmc1-default-pins {
+ pins-cd {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_76_CMDAT8__FUNC_GPIO76>;
+ bias-pull-up;
+ };
+ pins-clk {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_88_MSDC1_CLK__FUNC_MSDC1_CLK>;
+ bias-pull-down = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_10>;
+ };
+ pins-cmd-dat {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_89_MSDC1_DAT0__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT0>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_90_MSDC1_DAT1__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT1>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_91_MSDC1_DAT2__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT2>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_92_MSDC1_DAT3__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT3>,
+ input-enable;
+ bias-pull-up = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_01>;
+ };
+ };
+ mmc1_pins_uhs: mmc1-uhs-pins {
+ pins-clk {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_88_MSDC1_CLK__FUNC_MSDC1_CLK>;
+ drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_8mA>;
+ bias-pull-down = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_10>;
+ };
+ pins-cmd-dat {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_89_MSDC1_DAT0__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT0>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_90_MSDC1_DAT1__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT1>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_91_MSDC1_DAT2__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT2>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_92_MSDC1_DAT3__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT3>,
+ input-enable;
+ drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_6mA>;
+ bias-pull-up = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_01>;
+ };
+ };
+ uart0_pins: uart0-pins {
+ pins {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_35_URXD0__FUNC_URXD0>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_36_UTXD0__FUNC_UTXD0>;
+ };
+ };
+ uart1_pins: uart1-pins {
+ pins {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_37_URXD1__FUNC_URXD1>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_38_UTXD1__FUNC_UTXD1>;
+ };
+ };
+ uart2_pins: uart2-pins {
+ pins {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_39_URXD2__FUNC_URXD2>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_40_UTXD2__FUNC_UTXD2>;
+ };
+ };
+ usb_pins: usb-pins {
+ pins-id {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_17_GPIO17__FUNC_GPIO17>;
+ input-enable;
+ bias-pull-up;
+ };
+ pins-usb0-vbus {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_16_GPIO16__FUNC_USB_DRVVBUS>;
+ output-high;
+ };
+ pin-usb1-vbus {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_18_GPIO18__FUNC_GPIO18>;
+ output-high;
+ };
+ };
+ pwm_pins: pwm-pins {
+ pins {
+ pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_19_DISP_PWM__FUNC_PWM_A>,
+ <MT8365_PIN_116_I2S_BCK__FUNC_PWM_C>;
+ };
+ };
+&pwm {
+ pinctrl-0 = <&pwm_pins>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ status = "okay";
+&uart0 {
+ pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ status = "okay";
+&uart1 {
+ pinctrl-0 = <&uart1_pins>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ status = "okay";
+&uart2 {
+ pinctrl-0 = <&uart2_pins>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ status = "okay";
diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365.dtsi b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8b20e3e5f807d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/mediatek/mt8365.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR MIT)
+ * (C) 2018 MediaTek Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 BayLibre SAS
+ * Fabien Parent <fparent@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ * Bernhard Rosenkränzer <bero@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/clock/mediatek,mt8365-clk.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/phy/phy.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/thermal/thermal.h>
+/ {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365";
+ interrupt-parent = <&sysirq>;
+ #address-cells = <2>;
+ #size-cells = <2>;
+ cpus: cpus {
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ cpu-map {
+ cluster0: cluster0 {
+ core0 {
+ cpu = <&cpu0>;
+ };
+ core1 {
+ cpu = <&cpu1>;
+ };
+ core2 {
+ cpu = <&cpu2>;
+ };
+ core3 {
+ cpu = <&cpu3>;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ cpu0: cpu@0 {
+ device_type = "cpu";
+ compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
+ reg = <0x0>;
+ #cooling-cells = <2>;
+ enable-method = "psci";
+ };
+ cpu1: cpu@1 {
+ device_type = "cpu";
+ compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
+ reg = <0x1>;
+ #cooling-cells = <2>;
+ enable-method = "psci";
+ };
+ cpu2: cpu@2 {
+ device_type = "cpu";
+ compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
+ reg = <0x2>;
+ #cooling-cells = <2>;
+ enable-method = "psci";
+ };
+ cpu3: cpu@3 {
+ device_type = "cpu";
+ compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
+ reg = <0x3>;
+ #cooling-cells = <2>;
+ enable-method = "psci";
+ };
+ };
+ clk26m: oscillator {
+ compatible = "fixed-clock";
+ #clock-cells = <0>;
+ clock-frequency = <26000000>;
+ clock-output-names = "clk26m";
+ };
+ psci {
+ compatible = "arm,psci-1.0";
+ method = "smc";
+ };
+ reserved-memory {
+ #address-cells = <2>;
+ #size-cells = <2>;
+ ranges;
+ /* 128 KiB reserved for ARM Trusted Firmware (BL31) */
+ bl31_secmon_reserved: secmon@43000000 {
+ no-map;
+ reg = <0 0x43000000 0 0x20000>;
+ };
+ };
+ soc {
+ #address-cells = <2>;
+ #size-cells = <2>;
+ compatible = "simple-bus";
+ ranges;
+ gic: interrupt-controller@c000000 {
+ compatible = "arm,gic-v3";
+ #interrupt-cells = <4>;
+ interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
+ interrupt-controller;
+ reg = <0 0x0c000000 0 0x80000>,
+ <0 0x0c080000 0 0x80000>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_PPI 9 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH 0>;
+ };
+ topckgen: syscon@10000000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-topckgen", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x10000000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ infracfg: syscon@10001000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-infracfg", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x10001000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ pericfg: syscon@10003000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-pericfg", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x10003000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ syscfg_pctl: syscfg-pctl@10005000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-syscfg", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x10005000 0 0x1000>;
+ };
+ watchdog: watchdog@10007000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-wdt",
+ "mediatek,mt6589-wdt";
+ reg = <0 0x10007000 0 0x100>;
+ #reset-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ gpt: apxgpt@10008000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-timer",
+ "mediatek,mt6577-timer";
+ reg = <0 0x10008000 0 0x1000>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 114 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_SYS_26M_D2>;
+ clock-names = "clk13m";
+ };
+ pio: pinctrl@1000b000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-pinctrl";
+ reg = <0 0x1000b000 0 0x1000>;
+ mediatek,pctl-regmap = <&syscfg_pctl>;
+ pins-are-numbered;
+ gpio-controller;
+ #gpio-cells = <2>;
+ interrupt-controller;
+ #interrupt-cells = <2>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 115 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+ };
+ apmixedsys: syscon@1000c000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-apmixedsys", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x1000c000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ pwrap: pwrap@1000d000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-pwrap";
+ reg = <0 0x1000d000 0 0x1000>;
+ reg-names = "pwrap";
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 123 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_PWRAP_SPI>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_PMIC_AP>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_PWRAP_SYS>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_PWRAP_TMR>;
+ clock-names = "spi", "wrap", "sys", "tmr";
+ };
+ keypad: keypad@10010000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt6779-keypad";
+ reg = <0 0x10010000 0 0x1000>;
+ wakeup-source;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 124 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
+ clocks = <&clk26m>;
+ clock-names = "kpd";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ mcucfg: syscon@10200000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-mcucfg", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x10200000 0 0x2000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ sysirq: interrupt-controller@10200a80 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-sysirq",
+ "mediatek,mt6577-sysirq";
+ interrupt-controller;
+ #interrupt-cells = <3>;
+ interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
+ reg = <0 0x10200a80 0 0x20>;
+ };
+ infracfg_nao: infracfg-nao@1020e000 {
+ compatible = "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x1020e000 0 0x1000>;
+ };
+ rng: rng@1020f000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-rng",
+ "mediatek,mt7623-rng";
+ reg = <0 0x1020f000 0 0x100>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_TRNG>;
+ clock-names = "rng";
+ };
+ apdma: dma-controller@11000280 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-uart-dma",
+ "mediatek,mt6577-uart-dma";
+ reg = <0 0x11000280 0 0x80>,
+ <0 0x11000300 0 0x80>,
+ <0 0x11000380 0 0x80>,
+ <0 0x11000400 0 0x80>,
+ <0 0x11000580 0 0x80>,
+ <0 0x11000600 0 0x80>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 45 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>,
+ dma-requests = <6>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_AP_DMA>;
+ clock-names = "apdma";
+ #dma-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ auxadc: adc@11001000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-auxadc",
+ "mediatek,mt8173-auxadc";
+ reg = <0 0x11001000 0 0x1000>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_AUXADC>;
+ clock-names = "main";
+ #io-channel-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ uart0: serial@11002000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-uart",
+ "mediatek,mt6577-uart";
+ reg = <0 0x11002000 0 0x1000>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 35 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&clk26m>, <&infracfg CLK_IFR_UART0>;
+ clock-names = "baud", "bus";
+ dmas = <&apdma 0>, <&apdma 1>;
+ dma-names = "tx", "rx";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ uart1: serial@11003000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-uart",
+ "mediatek,mt6577-uart";
+ reg = <0 0x11003000 0 0x1000>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 36 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&clk26m>, <&infracfg CLK_IFR_UART1>;
+ clock-names = "baud", "bus";
+ dmas = <&apdma 2>, <&apdma 3>;
+ dma-names = "tx", "rx";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ uart2: serial@11004000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-uart",
+ "mediatek,mt6577-uart";
+ reg = <0 0x11004000 0 0x1000>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 37 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&clk26m>, <&infracfg CLK_IFR_UART2>;
+ clock-names = "baud", "bus";
+ dmas = <&apdma 4>, <&apdma 5>;
+ dma-names = "tx", "rx";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ pwm: pwm@11006000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-pwm";
+ reg = <0 0x11006000 0 0x1000>;
+ #pwm-cells = <2>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 76 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_PWM_HCLK>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_PWM>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_PWM1>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_PWM2>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_PWM3>;
+ clock-names = "top", "main", "pwm1", "pwm2", "pwm3";
+ };
+ i2c0: i2c@11007000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-i2c",
+ "mediatek,mt8168-i2c";
+ reg = <0 0x11007000 0 0xa0>,
+ <0 0x11000080 0 0x80>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 28 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clock-div = <1>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_I2C0_AXI>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_AP_DMA>;
+ clock-names = "main", "dma";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ i2c1: i2c@11008000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-i2c",
+ "mediatek,mt8168-i2c";
+ reg = <0 0x11008000 0 0xa0>,
+ <0 0x11000100 0 0x80>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 29 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clock-div = <1>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_I2C1_AXI>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_AP_DMA>;
+ clock-names = "main", "dma";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ i2c2: i2c@11009000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-i2c",
+ "mediatek,mt8168-i2c";
+ reg = <0 0x11009000 0 0xa0>,
+ <0 0x11000180 0 0x80>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 30 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clock-div = <1>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_I2C2_AXI>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_AP_DMA>;
+ clock-names = "main", "dma";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ spi: spi@1100a000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-spi",
+ "mediatek,mt7622-spi";
+ reg = <0 0x1100a000 0 0x100>;
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 62 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_UNIVPLL2_D4>,
+ <&topckgen CLK_TOP_SPI_SEL>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_SPI0>;
+ clock-names = "parent-clk", "sel-clk", "spi-clk";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ thermal: thermal@1100b000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-thermal";
+ reg = <0 0x1100b000 0 0x1000>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 22 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_THERM>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_AUXADC>;
+ clock-names = "therm", "auxadc";
+ mediatek,auxadc = <&auxadc>;
+ mediatek,apmixedsys = <&apmixedsys>;
+ nvmem-cells = <&thermal_calibration>;
+ nvmem-cell-names = "calibration-data";
+ #thermal-sensor-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ i2c3: i2c@1100f000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-i2c",
+ "mediatek,mt8168-i2c";
+ reg = <0 0x1100f000 0 0xa0>,
+ <0 0x11000200 0 0x80>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 31 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clock-div = <1>;
+ clocks = <&infracfg CLK_IFR_I2C3_AXI>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_AP_DMA>;
+ clock-names = "main", "dma";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <0>;
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ ssusb: usb@11201000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-mtu3", "mediatek,mtu3";
+ reg = <0 0x11201000 0 0x2e00>,
+ <0 0x11203e00 0 0x0100>;
+ reg-names = "mac", "ippc";
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ phys = <&u2port0 PHY_TYPE_USB2>,
+ <&u2port1 PHY_TYPE_USB2>;
+ clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_SSUSB_TOP_CK_EN>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_SSUSB_REF>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_SSUSB_SYS>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_ICUSB>;
+ clock-names = "sys_ck", "ref_ck", "mcu_ck",
+ "dma_ck";
+ #address-cells = <2>;
+ #size-cells = <2>;
+ ranges;
+ status = "disabled";
+ usb_host: usb@11200000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-xhci",
+ "mediatek,mtk-xhci";
+ reg = <0 0x11200000 0 0x1000>;
+ reg-names = "mac";
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 67 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_SSUSB_TOP_CK_EN>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_SSUSB_REF>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_SSUSB_SYS>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_ICUSB>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_SSUSB_XHCI>;
+ clock-names = "sys_ck", "ref_ck", "mcu_ck",
+ "dma_ck", "xhci_ck";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ };
+ mmc0: mmc@11230000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-mmc", "mediatek,mt8183-mmc";
+ reg = <0 0x11230000 0 0x1000>,
+ <0 0x11cd0000 0 0x1000>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 23 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_MSDC50_0_SEL>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_MSDC0_HCLK>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_MSDC0_SRC>;
+ clock-names = "source", "hclk", "source_cg";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ mmc1: mmc@11240000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-mmc", "mediatek,mt8183-mmc";
+ reg = <0 0x11240000 0 0x1000>,
+ <0 0x11c90000 0 0x1000>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 24 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_MSDC30_1_SEL>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_MSDC1_HCLK>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_MSDC1_SRC>;
+ clock-names = "source", "hclk", "source_cg";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ ethernet: ethernet@112a0000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-eth";
+ reg = <0 0x112a0000 0 0x1000>;
+ mediatek,pericfg = <&infracfg>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_SPI 25 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+ clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_ETH_SEL>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_NIC_AXI>,
+ <&infracfg CLK_IFR_NIC_SLV_AXI>;
+ clock-names = "core", "reg", "trans";
+ status = "disabled";
+ };
+ mipi_tx0: dsi-phy@11c00000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-mipi-tx",
+ "mediatek,mt8183-mipi-tx";
+ reg = <0 0x11c00000 0 0x800>;
+ clocks = <&clk26m>;
+ clock-names = "ref_clk";
+ #clock-cells = <0>;
+ #phy-cells = <0>;
+ clock-output-names = "mipi_tx0_pll";
+ };
+ efuse: efuse@11c50000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-efuse", "mediatek,efuse";
+ reg = <0 0x11c50000 0 0x1000>;
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <1>;
+ thermal_calibration: calib@180 {
+ reg = <0x180 0xc>;
+ };
+ };
+ u3phy: t-phy@11cc0000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-tphy",
+ "mediatek,generic-tphy-v2";
+ #address-cells = <2>;
+ #size-cells = <2>;
+ #phy-cells = <1>;
+ ranges;
+ u2port0: usb-phy@11cc0000 {
+ reg = <0 0x11cc0000 0 0x400>;
+ clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_SSUSB_PHY_CK_EN>,
+ <&topckgen CLK_TOP_USB20_48M_EN>;
+ clock-names = "ref", "da_ref";
+ #phy-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ u2port1: usb-phy@11cc1000 {
+ reg = <0 0x11cc1000 0 0x400>;
+ clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_SSUSB_PHY_CK_EN>,
+ <&topckgen CLK_TOP_USB20_48M_EN>;
+ clock-names = "ref", "da_ref";
+ #phy-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ };
+ mfgcfg: syscon@13000000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-mfgcfg", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x13000000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ mmsys: syscon@14000000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-mmsys", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x14000000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ camsys: syscon@15000000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-imgsys", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x15000000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ vdecsys: syscon@16000000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-vdecsys", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x16000000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ vencsys: syscon@17000000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-vencsys", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x17000000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ apu: syscon@19020000 {
+ compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-apu", "syscon";
+ reg = <0 0x19020000 0 0x1000>;
+ #clock-cells = <1>;
+ };
+ };
+ thermal-zones {
+ cpu_thermal: cpu-thermal {
+ polling-delay-passive = <1000>; /* milliseconds */
+ polling-delay = <1000>; /* milliseconds */
+ thermal-sensors = <&thermal 0>;
+ trips {
+ threshold: trip-point0 {
+ temperature = <95000>;
+ hysteresis = <2000>;
+ type = "passive";
+ };
+ target: trip-point1 {
+ temperature = <105000>;
+ hysteresis = <2000>;
+ type = "passive";
+ };
+ cpu_crit: cpu_crit0 {
+ temperature = <117000>;
+ hysteresis = <2000>;
+ type = "critical";
+ };
+ };
+ cooling-maps {
+ map0 {
+ trip = <&target>;
+ cooling-device =
+ <&cpu0
+ <&cpu1
+ <&cpu2
+ <&cpu3
+ contribution = <100>;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ timer {
+ compatible = "arm,armv8-timer";
+ interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
+ interrupts = <GIC_PPI 13 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW 0>,
+ };