Re: [PATCH v2] sched: async unthrottling for cfs bandwidth

From: Michal Koutný
Date: Wed Nov 02 2022 - 12:59:30 EST


On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 03:44:49PM -0700, Josh Don <joshdon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> To fix this, we can instead unthrottle cfs_rq's asynchronously via a
> CSD. Each cpu is responsible for unthrottling itself, thus sharding the
> total work more fairly across the system, and avoiding hard lockups.

FIFO behavior of the cfs_b->throttled_cfs_rq is quite important to
ensure fairness of throttling (historically when it FIFO wasn't honored,
it caused some cfs_rq starving issues).

Despite its name, distribute_cfs_runtime() doesn't distribute the
runtime, the time is pulled inside assign_cfs_rq_runtime() (but that's
already on target cpu).
Currently, it's all synchronized under cfs_b->lock but with your change,
throttled cfs_rq would be dissolved among cpus that'd run concurrently
(assign_cfs_rq_runtime() still takes cfs_b->lock but it won't be
necessarily in the unthrottling order).

Have you observed any such fairness issues? [1][2]

> +static inline void __unthrottle_cfs_rq_async(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq)
> [...]
> + if (rq == this_rq()) {
> + unthrottle_cfs_rq(cfs_rq);
> + return;
> + }

It was pointed out to me that generic_exec_single() does something
Wouldn't the flow bandwidth control code be simpler relying on that?

Also, can a particular cfs_rq be on both cfs_b->throttled_csd_list and
cfs_b->throttled_cfs_rq lists at any moment?
I wonder if having a single list_head node in cfs_rq would be feasible
(and hence enforcing this constraint in data).


[1] I'm not familiar with IPIs, just to illustrate the concurrency: the
fairness could be skewed towards CPUs that are on same "NUMA" node
as the timer callback if closer CPUs received them sooner.

[2] Currently, I don't think it's a prohibitive issue because with my
reasoning even the current code relies on cfs_b->lock being a queued
spinlock to ensure the FIFO of cfs_b->throttled_cfs_rq.

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