From: Peter Zijlstra
Date: Mon Jun 27 2022 - 03:23:04 EST

Bit off a tangent..

On Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 05:23:00AM +0900, Tejun Heo wrote:

> This is a bit of bike-shedding but there are inherent downsides to
> callback based interface in terms of write/readability. Now you have
> to move the init code out of line, and if the context that needs to be
> passing doesn't fit in a single pointer, you gotta define a struct to
> carry it adding to the boilerplate.

Yes, I so wish C had reasonable lambda expressions :/ But even if we
could come up with a semi sensible syntax and implementation, it would
still be many *many* years before we could actually use it in-kernel :-(