Re: [RFC PATCH] printk: console: Allow each console to have its own loglevel

From: Chris Down
Date: Thu May 19 2022 - 13:55:41 EST

Greg Kroah-Hartman writes:
So, just to try to come to a solution, here's the lay of the land as I
understand it. Currently pretty much all consoles are statically defined
(and most of the non-static cases are false positives)

% git grep 'struct console.*=' -- '*.c' | awk '/static/ { print "static"; } !/static/ { print "non-static" }' | sort | uniq -c
15 non-static
105 static

ah, ok, then we have a problem, and your change to the struct device
being a pointer is correct.

That's the problem when you only see a tiny bit of the kernel in a
patch, sorry for the confusion.

No worries! Just glad we got to the bottom of it :-)

But you still need to free the device structure that is pointed to by
the device in the release function. Your release function can not be
"empty" like your original patch was.

Great, then I'll implement it like the earlier diff I posted unless you have any objections.

Thanks a lot for your help and advice!