Re: [PATCH] mm/smaps_rollup: return empty file for kthreads instead of ESRCH

From: Andrew Morton
Date: Wed Apr 13 2022 - 17:28:01 EST

On Wed, 13 Apr 2022 17:13:57 -0400 "Alex Xu (Hello71)" <alex_y_xu@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This restores the behavior prior to 258f669e7e88 ("mm:
> /proc/pid/smaps_rollup: convert to single value seq_file"), making it
> once again consistent with maps and smaps, and allowing patterns like
> awk '$1=="Anonymous:"{x+=$2}END{print x}' /proc/*/smaps_rollup to work.
> Searching all Debian packages for "smaps_rollup" did not find any
> programs which would be affected by this change.


258f669e7e88 was 4 years ago, so I guess a -stable backport isn't
really needed.

However, we need to be concerned about causing new regressions, and I
don't think you've presented enough information for this to be determined.

So please provide us with a full description of how the smaps_rollup
output will be altered by this patch. Quoting example output would be