Re: [PATCH 19/31] net: realtek: changing LED_* from enum led_brightness to actual value

From: Hin-Tak Leung
Date: Fri Jan 21 2022 - 12:12:25 EST

> - if (brightness == LED_FULL) {
> + if (brightness == 255) {

> - if (brightness == LED_OFF) {
> + if (brightness == 0) {

NAKed. I haven't received the other 30 patches in this series so I don't know the full context, but I don't think replacing meaningful enum names with numerical values is an improvement. If the ENUMs are gone from a common include (and why is the ENUM removed, if drivers use them??), and the realtek driver still have such a functionality, it probably should be defined in one of the rtl818*.h as RTL818X_LED_FULL and RTL818X_LED_OFF .

My $0.02, based on this one only of the 31.
