Re: [PATCH v2 0/2] x86/PCI: SiS PIRQ router updates

From: Nikolai Zhubr
Date: Mon Jan 03 2022 - 06:00:51 EST

Hello Maciej,

Apparently, my previous replies (of 11-sep-2021 to 16-sep-2021) with some observations somehow went to spam box or whatever. I was going to retry but got too busy with unrelated stuff at that time. I can re-send them if necessary.

Anyway. Yes, your patch is very usefull. I've tested it quite thoroughly back then, including sharing IRQs for 2 unrelated PCI devices etc. I have it always automatically applied in my private trees since then.

One peculiarity with my specific board is that I had to also patch ROM BIOS because it included some non-standard $IRT table instead of $PIR table. With that in place, it now Just Works.

Thank you again for your effort,



03.01.2022 2:24, Maciej W. Rozycki:

Reposting as this has gone nowhere. Regenerated for line changes and
with Nikolai's Tested-by annotation for 2/2, which now have been verified
in combination with generic PIRQ router updates posted separately (there's
no ordering dependency between the two patch series).

Nikolai has observed the trigger mode not being fixed up once it has been
incorrectly set by the BIOS for PCI devices, causing all kinds of usual
issues. As it turns out we don't have a PIRQ router defined for the
SiS85C497 southbridge, which Nikolai's system uses, and which is different
from the SiS85C503 southbridge we have support for.

As we use the generic `sis' infix (capitalised or not) for the SiS85C503
southbridge I have prepared this small patch series to first make the
existing SiS program entities use a more specific `sis503' infix, and then
provide a suitable PIRQ router for the SiS85C497 device.

See individual change descriptions for further details.

Please apply.
