Re: Functional Coverage via RV? (was: "Learning-based Controlled Concurrency Testing")

From: Daniel Bristot de Oliveira
Date: Fri Jun 18 2021 - 03:59:06 EST

On 6/17/21 1:20 PM, Marco Elver wrote:
> [+Daniel, just FYI. We had a discussion about "functional coverage"
> and fuzzing, and I've just seen your wonderful work on RV. If you have
> thought about fuzzing with RV and how coverage of the model impacts
> test generation, I'd be curious to hear.]

One aspect of RV is that we verify the actual execution of the system instead of
a complete model of the system, so we depend of the testing to cover all the
aspects of the system <-> model.

There is a natural relation with testing/fuzzing & friends with RV.

> Looks like there is ongoing work on specifying models and running them
> along with the kernel:
> Those models that are run alongside the kernel would have their own
> coverage, and since there's a mapping between real code and model, a
> fuzzer trying to reach new code in one or the other will ultimately
> improve coverage for both.


> Just wanted to document this here, because it seems quite relevant.
> I'm guessing that "functional coverage" would indeed be a side-effect
> of a good RV model?

So, let me see if I understood the terms. Functional coverage is a way to check
if all the desired aspects of a code/system/subsystem/functionality were covered
by a set of tests?

If that is correct, we could use RV to:

- create an explicit model of the states we want to cover.
- check if all the desired states were visited during testing.


-- Daniel

> Previous discussion below.
> Thanks,
> -- Marco
> On Wed, 19 May 2021 at 22:24, Marco Elver <elver@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Wed, 19 May 2021 at 20:53, Paul E. McKenney <paulmck@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 11:02:43AM +0200, Marco Elver wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 22:42, Paul E. McKenney <paulmck@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>>> All the above sound like "functional coverage" to me, and could be
>>>>>> implemented on top of a well-thought-out functional coverage API.
>>>>>> Functional coverage is common in the hardware verification space to
>>>>>> drive simulation and model checking; for example, functional coverage
>>>>>> could be "buffer is full" vs just structural (code) coverage which
>>>>>> cannot capture complex state properties like that easily.
>>>>>> Similarly, you could then say things like "number of held locks" or
>>>>>> even alluding to your example (5) above, "observed race on address
>>>>>> range". In the end, with decent functional coverage abstractions,
>>>>>> anything should hopefully be possible.
>>>>> Those were in fact the lines along which I was thinking.
>>>>>> I've been wondering if this could be something useful for the Linux
>>>>>> kernel, but my guess has always been that it'd not be too-well
>>>>>> received because people don't like to see strange annotations in their
>>>>>> code. But maybe I'm wrong.
>>>>> I agree that it is much easier to get people to use a tool that does not
>>>>> require annotations. In fact, it is best if it requires nothing at all
>>>>> from them...
>>>> While I'd like to see something like that, because it'd be beneficial
>>>> to see properties of the code written down to document its behaviour
>>>> better and at the same time machine checkable, like you say, if it
>>>> requires additional effort, it's a difficult sell. (Although the same
>>>> is true for all other efforts to improve reliability that require a
>>>> departure from the "way it used to be done", be it data_race(), or
>>>> even efforts introducing whole new programming languages to the
>>>> kernel.)
>>> Fair point! But what exactly did you have in mind?
>> Good question, I'll try to be more concrete -- most of it are
>> half-baked ideas and questions ;-), but if any of it makes sense, I
>> should maybe write a doc to summarize.
>> What I had in mind is a system to write properties for both functional
>> coverage, but also checking more general properties of the kernel. The
>> latter I'm not sure about how useful. But all this isn't really used
>> for anything other than in debug builds.
>> Assume we start with macros such as "ASSERT_COVER(...)" (for
>> functional coverage) and "ASSERT(...)" (just plain-old assertions).
>> The former is a way to document potentially interesting states (useful
>> for fuzzers to reach them), and the latter just a way to just specify
>> properties of the system (useful for finding the actual bugs).
>> Implementation-wise the latter is trivial, the former requires some
>> thought on how to expose that information to fuzzers and how to use
>> (as Dmitry suggested it's not trivial). I'd also imagine we can have
>> module-level variants ("GLOBAL_ASSERT*(...)") that monitor some global
>> state, and also add support for some subset of temporal properties
>> like "GLOBAL_ASSERT_EVENTUALLY(precond, eventually_holds)" as
>> suggested below.
>> I guess maybe I'd have to take a step back and just ask why we have no
>> way to write plain and simple assertions that are removed in non-debug
>> builds? Some subsystems seem to roll their own, which a 'git grep
>> "#define ASSERT"' tells me.
>> Is there a fundamental reason why we shouldn't have them, perhaps
>> there was some past discussion? Today we have things like
>> lockdep_assert_held(), but nothing to even write a simple assert
>> otherwise. If I had to guess why something like ASSERT is bad, it is
>> because it gives people a way to check for unexpected conditions, but
>> if those checks disappear in non-debug builds, the kernel might be
>> unstable. Therefore every possible state must be handled and we must
>> always be able to recover. The argument in favor is, if the ASSERT()s
>> are proven invariants or conditions where we'd recover either way, and
>> are only there to catch accidental regressions during testing; and in
>> non-debug builds we don't suffer the performance overheads.
> ..
>>>>>> My ideal abstractions I've been thinking of isn't just for coverage,
>>>>>> but to also capture temporal properties (which should be inspired by
>>>>>> something like LTL or such), on top of which you can also build
>>>>>> coverage. Then we can specify things like "if I observe some state X,
>>>>>> then eventually we observe state Y", and such logic can also just be
>>>>>> used to define functional coverage of interest (again all this
>>>>>> inspired by what's already done in hardware verification).
>>>>> Promela/spin provides an LTL interface, but of course cannot handle
>>>>> much of RCU, let alone of the entire kernel. And LTL can be quite
>>>>> useful. But in a runtime system, how do you decide when "eventually"
>>>>> has arrived? The lockdep system does so by tracking entry to idle
>>>>> and to userspace execution, along with exit from interrupt handlers.
>>>>> Or did you have something else in mind?
>>>> For coverage, one could simply await the transition to the "eventually
>>>> state" indefinitely; once reached we have coverage.
>>>> But for verification, because unlike explicit state model checkers
>>>> like Spin, we don't have the complete state and can't build an
>>>> exhaustive state-graph, we'd have to approximate. And without knowing
>>>> exactly what it is we're waiting for, the simplest option would be to
>>>> just rely on a timeout, either part of the property or implicit. What
>>>> the units of that timeout are I'm not sure, because a system might
>>>> e.g. be put to sleep.