Re: [PATCH] TTY: serdev: Replace depricated macros

From: Ivan Bakula
Date: Fri May 07 2021 - 06:18:57 EST

Thank you for your reply.

> If these really are "deprecated",

According to the comment in file "include/linux/idr.h" (line 318) these
macros are depricated.

> why not just do a search/replace across the whole tree and change them?

I've stumbled across these macros while trying to figure out how to write
device driver using serial device bus. So, I've decided to change them with
appropriate function calls.

I didn't do search/replace across the whole tree because it's my first
patch and I wanted it to be short. But now, when you mentioned it,
I will do it.

Thank you for your time,

Ivan Bakula