Re: [PATCH 2/3] Revert "netfilter: x_tables: Switch synchronization to RCU"

From: Florian Westphal
Date: Thu Mar 04 2021 - 02:46:37 EST

Mark Tomlinson <mark.tomlinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This reverts commit cc00bcaa589914096edef7fb87ca5cee4a166b5c.
> This (and the preceding) patch basically re-implemented the RCU
> mechanisms of patch 784544739a25. That patch was replaced because of the
> performance problems that it created when replacing tables. Now, we have
> the same issue: the call to synchronize_rcu() makes replacing tables
> slower by as much as an order of magnitude.

Can you give roigh numbers?

> See for why using RCU is
> not a good idea.

Please, no link.