[ANNOUNCE] [CFP] Call for Sessions - linux.conf.au Online 2021 Kernel Miniconf
From: Andrew Donnellan
Date: Sun Nov 29 2020 - 21:46:39 EST
LCA2021 Kernel Miniconf - Online - 2021-01-23
LCA Kernel Miniconf submissions now open! (Ever wanted to present at
LCA, but couldn't justify flying to Australia? Well, 2021 is your chance
- we're going online-only for reasons you're probably aware of.)
Submissions close: 2020-12-18, 23:59 AoE/UTC-12
Submissions: https://linux.conf.au/proposals/submit/kernel-miniconf/
More info: https://lca-kernel.ozlabs.org/2021-cfs.html
linux.conf.au 2021 will be held at the Australian National University,
Canberra^W^W^W^W^W^Win the comfort of your own homes, by the magic of
the internet, from 23-25 January 2021.
The Kernel Miniconf is a single-day miniconf track, held on Saturday 23
January, about everything related to the kernel and low-level systems
The Kernel Miniconf will focus on a variety of kernel-related topics -
technical presentations on up-and-coming kernel developments, the future
direction of the kernel, and kernel development community and process
matters. Past Kernel Miniconfs have included technical talks on topics
such as memory management, RCU, scheduling and filesystems, as well as
talks on Linux kernel community topics such as licensing and Linux
kernel development process.
We invite submissions on anything related to kernel and low-level
systems programming. We welcome submissions from developers of all
levels of experience in the kernel community, covering a broad range of
topics. The focus of the miniconf will primarily be on Linux, however
non-Linux talks of sufficient interest to a primarily Linux audience
will be considered.
Andrew Donnellan OzLabs, ADL Canberra
ajd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx IBM Australia Limited