Re: [PATCH] ASoC: ak4458: Add DSD support for ak4458 and ak4497

From: Mark Brown
Date: Thu Sep 10 2020 - 17:26:48 EST

On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 10:10:32PM +0800, Shengjiu Wang wrote:

> ak4458 can't support DSD512 format, but ak4497 can, so add
> a new variable in ak4458_drvdata to distinguish these two
> platform.

> In hw_params(), calculate bit clock according to different DSD
> format and configure DSD register.

> + SOC_ENUM("AK4497 DSD Data Input Pin", ak4497_dsdp_enum),

This control name doesn't seem to match up with the description - it's
talking about a pin but the description sounds like setting a different
format for the data?

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