Re: [RFC PATCH 1/5] printk: implement pr_cont_t

From: Joe Perches
Date: Wed Aug 19 2020 - 20:33:57 EST

On Thu, 2020-08-20 at 01:32 +0206, John Ogness wrote:
> Implement a new buffering mechanism for pr_cont messages.
> Old mechanism syntax:
> printk(KERN_INFO "text");
> printk(KERN_CONT " continued");
> printk(KERN_CONT "\n");
> New mechanism syntax:
> pr_cont_t c;
> pr_cont_begin(&c, KERN_INFO "text");


I suggest:

printk_begin(&printk_context, fmt, ...)
printk_continue(&printk_context, fmt, ...) (maybe printk_next())
printk_end(&printk_context, fmt, ...)

and macros using pr_<level>_begin


#define pr_info_begin(context, fmt, ...) \
printk_begin(context, KERN_INFO pr_fmt(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)

and each continued bit would use printk_continue or printk_end
as appropriate.

KERN_<LEVEL> could be a separate argument, but it's simple
enough to use
printk_get_level on the format.