Re: [Tech-board-discuss] [PATCH] CodingStyle: Inclusive Terminology

From: Tibor Raschko
Date: Mon Jul 06 2020 - 20:48:30 EST

> More generally etymological arguments are just not super relevant here
> anyway, the issues people have are around current perceptions rather
> than where things came from.

This is where ignoring etymology in this case falls apart, claiming that the
current meaning is more important than the historical one. Yes it should be more
important, but it suggests that the current meaning is negative, which it is
not. In computer science (context!) these words do not have any negative
perception or connotation, and people in this field know this. Yes, outsiders
might not know this and could misunderstand them. But since when do experts in
computer science (or in any field of science for the matter) care if a layman
can correctly understand the field's technical terms? We never did and never
will, except in this particular case for some odd reason.

Be honest: "blacklist" is a technical term where the actual meaning has no
negative connotation despite what people outside the field might think. But
apparently we don't care about the actual meaning. We also don't care about the
historical meaning or etymology. We only care about... well if not about the
meaning in the past or present, then I don't know what. Looking good in the media?