Re: [PATCH] Ability to read the MKTME status from userspace

From: Richard Hughes
Date: Fri Jun 19 2020 - 12:47:58 EST

On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 17:41, Greg Kroah-Hartman
<gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Yes. I want to show the user *why* TME is not available.
> So even if it is "available" that's fine, even if it is not being used?

No, it's just one more thing we can check and report. For instance,
"Full memory encryption: NO [firmware-disabled, unencrypted-swap, EFI
memory map incomplete]

> And how can you ever tell if a BIOS disables a CPU feature, yet the chip
> still has it?

Isn't that what the "x86/tme: enabled by BIOS" kernel log entry is for?
