Re: [PATCH v6 0/5] Micron SLC NAND filling block

From: Bean Huo
Date: Thu May 28 2020 - 10:15:10 EST

hi, Richard

On Mon, 2020-05-25 at 14:18 +0200, Bean Huo wrote:
> After submission of patch V1 [1] and V2 [2], we stopped its update
> since we get
> stuck in the solution on how to avoid the power-loss issue in case
> power-cut
> hits the block filling. In the v1 and v2, to avoid this issue, we
> always damaged
> page0, page1, this's based on the hypothesis that NAND FS is UBIFS.
> This
> FS-specifical code is unacceptable in the MTD layer. Also, it cannot
> cover all
> NAND based file system. Based on the current discussion, seems that
> re-write all
> first 15 page from page0 is a satisfactory solution.

This patch has overwrite page0~page14, damage EC and VID header boths.
I know this is safe for UBIFS, even fastmap is enabled (you fixed this
in (ubi: fastmap: Correctly handle interrupted erasures in EBA)).
Now, how about jffs2?
