Re: [PATCH 2/3] tty: n_gsm: Fix SOF skipping

From: Jiri Slaby
Date: Mon May 04 2020 - 02:39:08 EST

On 30. 04. 20, 13:34, Gregory CLEMENT wrote:
> For at least some modems like the TELIT LE910, skipping SOF makes
> transfers blocking indefinitely after a short amount of data
> transferred.
> Given the small improvement provided by skipping the SOF (just one
> byte on about 100 bytes), it seems better to completely remove this
> "feature" than make it optional.
> Fixes: 96fd7ce58ffb ("TTY: create drivers/tty and move the tty core files there")

Again, this is unlikely a correct "fixes" commit.

suse labs