Re: [PATCH 1/4] clk: meson: meson8b: Fix the first parent of vid_pll_in_sel

From: Martin Blumenstingl
Date: Thu Apr 16 2020 - 13:49:58 EST

Hi Jerome,

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 12:32 PM Jerome Brunet <jbrunet@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue 14 Apr 2020 at 22:00, Martin Blumenstingl <martin.blumenstingl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Use hdmi_pll_lvds_out as parent of the vid_pll_in_sel clock. It's not
> > easy to see that the vendor kernel does the same, but it actually does.
> > meson_clk_pll_ops in mainline still cannot fully recalculate all rates
> > from the HDMI PLL registers because some register bits (at the time of
> > writing it's unknown which bits are used for this) double the HDMI PLL
> > output rate (compared to simply considering M, N and FRAC).
> Have you considered adding a fixed_factor pre-multiplier, like in the
> gxbb driver ?
> Seems to be the same thing
it seems like I haven't been clear enough here: the doubling only
happens for some - but not all - PLL settings.

Let me give you two examples with values from the 3.10 vendor kernel:
1. the CVBS modes use a hdmi_pll_dco freq of 1296MHz
it uses: M = 54, N = 1 and FRAC = 0
with our existing clock tree this works out perfectly: 24MHz * 54 / 1 = 1296MHz

2. HDMI 1080P mode uses hdmi_pll_dco freq of 2970MHz
it uses M = 61, N = 1 and FRAC = 3584
with our existing clock tree this doesn't end up right: (24MHz * 61 /
1) + (24MHz * 3584 / 4095) = 1485MHz

I did play with the registers and our clock-measurer.
it *seems* that the HHI_VID_PLL_CNTL3 and/or HHI_VID_PLL_CNTL4 are
related to this doubling, but I don't know for sure
my assumption is that there's either a fixed pre-multiplier like you
suggested and then a configurable "divide by 2" somewhere or there's
simply a configurable "multiply by 2" somewhere
Either way, I want to fix that at some point but since I don't know
the related bits I want to do that later on (in separate patches once
I have figured it out)
