Question about regmap_range_cfg and regmap_mmio

From: Lars MÃllendorf
Date: Wed Mar 04 2020 - 06:37:35 EST


this mail is copied from internal issue written in markdown - I hope
this is still readable as mail.

I am referring to kernel sources v4.9.87 but I think all my assumptions
do still apply to current kernel versions.


* Configuration for indirectly accessed or paged registers.
* Registers, mapped to this virtual range, are accessed in two steps:
* 1. page selector register update;
* 2. access through data window registers.
* @name: Descriptive name for diagnostics
* @range_min: Address of the lowest register address in virtual range.
* @range_max: Address of the highest register in virtual range.
* @page_sel_reg: Register with selector field.
* @page_sel_mask: Bit shift for selector value.
* @page_sel_shift: Bit mask for selector value.
* @window_start: Address of first (lowest) register in data window.
* @window_len: Number of registers in data window.
struct regmap_range_cfg {
const char *name;

/* Registers of virtual address range */
unsigned int range_min;
unsigned int range_max;

/* Page selector for indirect addressing */
unsigned int selector_reg;
unsigned int selector_mask;
int selector_shift;

/* Data window (per each page) */
unsigned int window_start;
unsigned int window_len;

Unfortunately this seems not to work for MMIO devices.

is assigned to
if `!bus->read || !bus->write`, else
is assigned:

if (!bus) {
map->reg_read = config->reg_read;
map->reg_write = config->reg_write;

map->defer_caching = false;
goto skip_format_initialization;
} else if (!bus->read || !bus->write) {
map->reg_read = _regmap_bus_reg_read;
map->reg_write = _regmap_bus_reg_write;

map->defer_caching = false;
goto skip_format_initialization;
} else {
map->reg_read = _regmap_bus_read;
map->reg_update_bits = bus->reg_update_bits;
calls the `reg_read` function of the bus directly,
instead calls `_regmap_raw_read()`:

static int _regmap_bus_reg_read(void *context, unsigned int reg,
unsigned int *val)
struct regmap *map = context;

return map->bus->reg_read(map->bus_context, reg, val);

static int _regmap_bus_read(void *context, unsigned int reg,
unsigned int *val)
int ret;
struct regmap *map = context;

if (!map->format.parse_val)
return -EINVAL;

ret = _regmap_raw_read(map, reg, map->work_buf, map->format.val_bytes);
if (ret == 0)
*val = map->format.parse_val(map->work_buf);

return ret;

in turn calls
which do the paging.

does neither contain `.read` nor `.write`.
does contain both.

My assumption is that paging is not a common use case for Memory-mapped
I/O and thus has not been implemented for this case.

- Are my assumptions correct?
- If so, what would you recommend me to do:
- Continue using `regmap-mmio` and implement my custom paging
functions on top of that?
- Enhance the current `regmap-mmio` implementation so it does paging
and submit a patch?
- Write my own `better-regmap-mmio` implementation?

Thank you,


Lars MÃllendorf, B. Eng.

Tel.: +49 (0) 7641 93500-425
Fax: +49 (0) 7641 93500-999
E-Mail: lars.moellendorf@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:lars.moellendorf@xxxxxxxxxx>
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