Re: [PATCH 0/5] scsi: ufs: ufs device as a temperature sensor

From: Julian Calaby
Date: Thu Feb 06 2020 - 06:40:08 EST

Hi Avi,

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 9:48 PM Avi Shchislowski
<Avi.Shchislowski@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> As it become evident that the hwmon is not a viable option to implement ufs thermal notification, I would appreciate some concrete comments of this series.

That isn't my reading of this thread.

You have two options:
1. extend drivetemp if that makes sense for this particular application.
2. follow the model of other devices that happen to have a built-in
temperature sensor and expose the hwmon compatible attributes as a

It appears that option 1 isn't viable, so what about option 2?


Julian Calaby

Email: julian.calaby@xxxxxxxxx