Re: Was: Fair Pay In Cyberspace

From: Ywe CÃrlyn
Date: Wed Jan 22 2020 - 07:44:25 EST

To put the final driving force behind this project, I have also realized a zÃn (chan philosophy) name of the divine, in the project "I/T Eon Enligthenment".

As all information is factorized right in I/T Sys, with compatibility back to Adams tablet, suiting chan philosophy ("zÃn"), Islam and scientific monotheism, many will ofcourse want the standard paradigm, and this is what this project is about.

No unnatural restrictions of three-letter paradigms, but natural resources in the right place, such as monotheism is. And ultimately scientific monotheism, and observation of all things, is realizing one creator, and enligthenment.

So my research on history and philosophy is concluded in four projects now:

I/T Sys - a fair pay interface system for the whole of internet, compatible with all information back to Adams tablet, the original source of what became fair pay principles, and definer of Shaytan (or psychopath, the enemy of your wording of choice). Reading also society for technocracy, which means groupings, which take information further to leader, as a filter of relevance, and product quality.

I/T Eon Enligthenment - Here I realize a chan philosophy ("zÃn") - name of the divine, answering the current cultural dynamic, fusing chan philosophy, Varanger faith, Islam and scientific monotheism as one stronger monotheism, respecting all developed schools.

I/T Partiet - Norwegian for The I/T Party, a suggestion for a political party, where the democracy is perfected in I/T.

I/T Trance Star - about the original rave culture, an example of a culture that really was a push for the same. Suggesting fair pay integration of tracker files, which I always found to be a superior format. Still today, the earliest files, can be played back in 24bit 96khz uncompressed, with modern (4- band) mastering, level tweakable if wanted. With Polyphase Resampling, without interpolation errors.

All linked here:

Ywe CÃrlyn,
Initiative-Taker, Philosophy, Researcher with top 1% research on
I/T Sys.