Re: Fix built-in early-load Intel microcode alignment

From: Jari Ruusu
Date: Fri Jan 17 2020 - 04:47:37 EST

On 1/16/20, Raj, Ashok <ashok.raj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I don't suspect the alignment issue during microcode load to trigger
> any hangs after couple days.

Microcode was properly aligned when it was loaded to CPU.

> Can you please also document the OEM, BIOS versions, and also both the
> old and new microcode versions after the update.
> Would suggest logging the hang issue in public github for microcode issues.
> This would let the product folks look at them.

I opened issue there.

Jari Ruusu 4096R/8132F189 12D6 4C3A DCDA 0AA4 27BD ACDF F073 3C80 8132 F189