Re: [RFC PATCH v3 00/16] Core scheduling v3

From: Julien Desfossez
Date: Mon Sep 30 2019 - 11:22:52 EST

> I've made an attempt in the following two patches to address
> the load balancing of mismatched load between the siblings.
> It is applied on top of Aaron's patches:
> - sched: Fix incorrect rq tagged as forced idle
> - wrapper for cfs_rq->min_vruntime
> - core vruntime comparison
> I will love Julien, Aaron and others to try it out. Suggestions
> to tune it is welcomed.

Just letting you know that I will be testing your load balancing patches
this week along with the changes Vineeth is currently doing. I didn't
test it before because I was focused on single threaded and pinned
micro-benchmarks, but I am back on scaling tests so it will be
interesting to see.

