Re: [PATCH v2 2/3] staging: exfat: drop unused field access_time_ms

From: Valentin VidiÄ
Date: Mon Sep 09 2019 - 02:14:11 EST

On Sun, Sep 08, 2019 at 08:19:21PM -0400, Valdis KlÄtnieks wrote:
> In that case, rather than removing it, shouldn't we be *adding*
> code to properly set it instead?

Right, setting the UtcOffset fields to 0 is the first step marking
them as invalid for now. This is also why access_time_ms did not do
any harm here - it was always set to 0 too. OffsetValid Field

The OffsetValid field shall describe whether the contents of the OffsetFromUtc
field are valid or not, as follows:

0, which means the contents of the OffsetFromUtc field are invalid
and shall be 00h

1, which means the contents of the OffsetFromUtc field are valid
