Re: [RFC PATCH v3 00/16] Core scheduling v3

From: Tim Chen
Date: Fri Sep 06 2019 - 14:30:24 EST

On 8/7/19 10:10 AM, Tim Chen wrote:

> 3) Load balancing between CPU cores
> -----------------------------------
> Say if one CPU core's sibling threads get forced idled
> a lot as it has mostly incompatible tasks between the siblings,
> moving the incompatible load to other cores and pulling
> compatible load to the core could help CPU utilization.
> So just considering the load of a task is not enough during
> load balancing, task compatibility also needs to be considered.
> Peter has put in mechanisms to balance compatible tasks between
> CPU thread siblings, but not across cores.
> Status:
> I have not seen patches on this issue. This issue could lead to
> large variance in workload performance based on your luck
> in placing the workload among the cores.

I've made an attempt in the following two patches to address
the load balancing of mismatched load between the siblings.

It is applied on top of Aaron's patches:
- sched: Fix incorrect rq tagged as forced idle
- wrapper for cfs_rq->min_vruntime
- core vruntime comparison

I will love Julien, Aaron and others to try it out. Suggestions
to tune it is welcomed.

