Re: [PATCH V3] KSM: allow dedup all tasks memory

From: Oleksandr Natalenko
Date: Tue Nov 13 2018 - 12:27:10 EST

On 13.11.2018 18:10, Timofey Titovets wrote:
You mean try do something, like that right?

<get reference to task>
last_pid = task_pid_nr(task);

No, task_lock() uses spin_lock() under the bonnet, so this will be the same.

Since the sole reason you have to lock/acquire/get a reference to task_struct here is to prevent it from disappearing, I was thinking about using get_task_struct(), which just increases atomic task_struct.usage value (IOW, takes a reference). I *hope* this will be enough to prevent task_struct from disappearing in the meantime.

Someone, correct me if I'm wrong.

Oleksandr Natalenko (post-factum)