Re: Git pull ack emails..

From: Konstantin Ryabitsev
Date: Tue Oct 23 2018 - 16:04:16 EST

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 10:46:06AM +0100, Linus Torvalds wrote:
If it's a "proper" pull request (ie done by git request-pull), then
the magic marker would be that it as that

for you to fetch changes up to %H:

line where %H is the hash of the tip of the tree that is requested to be pulled.

Then automation could literally just check "is that commit in Linus'
public tree", and when that happens, generate an automatic
notification that the pull request in question has been merged.

I can probably do something like that at How about something more generic -- e.g. a simple tool that asks a remote web service to notify you when a commit-id is seen in one of the repos?


git lmk for-linus mainline

this does:

- find out the commit-id points at "for-linus"
- send a REST request to

"tree": "mainline",
"commit": "123abc...abc555",
"notify": "(output of $(git config"

We already run a bunch of periodic jobs on repo updates and can run an additional check-and-fire-an-email automation job.

Would that be a useful alternative? If yes, what would be your preferred workflow for such tool instead of "git lmk [commit] [tree-moniker]"?


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