Re: [PATCH v4 1/5] clk: actions: Add REGMAP as dependency

From: Andreas FÃrber
Date: Sun Jul 15 2018 - 08:36:00 EST


Am 15.07.2018 um 14:31 schrieb Saravanan Sekar:
> Add REGMAP as dependency to avoid undefined reference to regmap symbol

Is this a bugfix for S900? Then please add a Fixes: line. If not, why is
it a separate patch and not in 3/5?

Also, the subject is fine as is, but please add a full stop at the end
of the sentence in the commit message.


SUSE Linux GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 NÃrnberg, Germany
GF: Felix ImendÃrffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton
HRB 21284 (AG NÃrnberg)