regression: /proc/$pid/cmdline lacks trailing '\0' in 4.18-rc1

From: Michal Kubecek
Date: Tue Jun 19 2018 - 02:08:03 EST

In v4.18-rc1, /proc/$pid/cmdline is missing final null byte which used
to be there in v4.17 and older kernels:

tweed:~ # cat /proc/self/cmdline | od -t c
0000000 c a t \0 / p r o c / s e l f / c
0000020 m d l i n e \0

lion:~ # cat /proc/self/cmdline | od -t c
0000000 c a t \0 / p r o c / s e l f / c
0000020 m d l i n e

The code has been rewritten quite a lot in 4.18-rc1 so I didn't find yet
where exactly does the change come from. Still looking.

Michal Kubecek