Re: [PATCH v1] dma: imx-sdma: add virt-dma support

From: Vinod
Date: Wed May 23 2018 - 08:41:20 EST

On 23-05-18, 12:56, s.hauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Well, it's somewhat related to virtual dma support, but that's not my
> point. My point is that this patch is quite big and thus hard to review.
> If we find ways to make it smaller and to split it up in multiple
> patches then we should do so, because it makes it easier to review and
> in case you break something here we raise the chance that a "git bisect"
> lands on a smaller patch which is easier to understand.
> Please try and make that a separate change. I haven't really looked into
> it and it may not be possible due to reasons I haven't seen, but please
> at least give it a try.

That is something would help me as well. I have reviewed the patch and am not
sure I fully understand the changes, so breaking up stuff would definitely help
in the review..
