B53 DSA switch problem on Banana Pi-R1 on Fedora 26

From: Gerhard Wiesinger
Date: Tue May 22 2018 - 14:30:27 EST


I'm trying to get B53 DSA switch working on the Banana Pi-R1 on Fedora 26 to run (I will upgrade to Fedora 27 and Fedora 28 when networking works again). Previously the switch was configured with swconfig without any problems.

Kernel: 4.16.7-100.fc26.armv7hl

b53_common: found switch: BCM53125, rev 4

I see all interfaces: lan1 to lan4 and wan.

i get the following error messages:

# master and self, same results

bridge vlan add dev lan1 vid 101 pvid untagged self
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported
bridge vlan add dev lan2 vid 101 pvid untagged self
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported
bridge vlan add dev lan3 vid 101 pvid untagged self
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported
bridge vlan add dev lan4 vid 101 pvid untagged self
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported

# No quite sure here regarding CPU interface and VLAN, because this changed with some patches, also from dsa.txt

bridge vlan add dev eth0 vid 101 self
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported

Planned network structure will be as with 4.7.x kernels:

br0 <=> eth0.101 <=> eth0 (vlan 101 tagged) <=> lan 1-lan4 (vlan 101 untagged pvid)

br1 <=> eth0.102 <=> eth0 (vlan 102 tagged) <=> wan (vlan 102 untagged pvid)

I think the rest of the config is clear after some research now, but I provide details if that one worked well.

If necessary I can provide full commands & logs and further details.

Thank you.

Any ideas?

