v4.16-rc5 on Motorola Droid 4

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Thu Mar 22 2018 - 08:35:26 EST


Just... I got recent mainline to work on Motorola Droid 4. (Thanks for
all the help).

Tree is at kernel.org:

kernel.org:pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/pavel/linux-n900.git all-v4.16:all-v4.16

branch all-v4.16 contains config.4 (which is config I'm using) and the
patches I used. (But I did not do anything special).

What does _not_ yet work is battery charging, and I'm not sure if the
phone will actually shut down itself or if it will drain & damage the

user@devuan:/my/unicsy_demo$ lib/hardware.py
Battery 3.67V 3.67V 3.82V 15% 49% 0% 0/0 mAh Discharging -353/-1/-1 mA
user@devuan:/my/unicsy_demo$ lib/hardware.py
Battery 3.65V 3.65V 3.88V 15% 61% 0% 0/0 mAh Discharging -534/-1/-1 mA

Usb networking works with that config, and I can boot useful system
with maemo leste.

Good luck,

(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
(cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html

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