Re: [OpenRISC] Removing architectures without upstream gcc support

From: whitequark
Date: Mon Feb 26 2018 - 10:42:08 EST

On 2018-02-26 12:10, Philipp Wagner wrote:
Actually the LLVM port of or1k isn't upstream either. CCing
whitequark, who might know more about the (non-)plans of getting the
backend upstream. I also don't know of anyone having tried to build
the openrisc kernel with LLVM, would certainly be an interesting thing
to try.

I keep the OR1K backend up-to-date and generally in good shape (e.g.
I've got exception handling work and added all missing instructions
to the internal assembler) but upstreaming it is many weeks of work
that I personally cannot spare, and the LLVM community requests that
those who upstream backends maintain buildbots running hardware tests
indefinitely, which I personally cannot afford.
