Re: [PATCH] staging: fbtft: diferenciate between buffer and data types to fix sparse warning
From: Greg KH
Date: Tue Oct 03 2017 - 12:34:10 EST
On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 06:16:18PM +0100, Alfonso Lima Astor wrote:
> sparse was complaning about an incorrect type cast:
> drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft-bus.c:60:1: warning: incorrect type in assignment (different base types)
> drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft-bus.c:60:1: expected unsigned short [unsigned] [short] [usertype] <noident>
> drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft-bus.c:60:1: got restricted __be16 [usertype] <noident>
> drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft-bus.c:60:1: warning: incorrect type in assignment (different base types)
> drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft-bus.c:60:1: expected unsigned short [unsigned] [short] [usertype] <noident>
> drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft-bus.c:60:1: got restricted __be16 [usertype] <noident>
> The solution is to add an extra parameter to the macro to
> diferenciate between buffer type and data type.
Ugh, messy. Please resend and cc: the maintainers of this driver/code
so that they can verify this is correct. As it is, I have no way of
determining that...
greg k-h