Re: [PATCH] iio: accel: mma8452: Bugfix to enbale and allow different events to work parallely.

From: Harinath Nampally
Date: Fri Aug 18 2017 - 20:06:02 EST

This patch fixes by detaching the event related information from
chip_info struct,
and based on channel type and event direction the corresponding
event configuration registers
are picked dynamically. Hence multiple events can be handled in
read/write callbacks.
which chip can have which event(s)?
I am planning to add 'supported events' field in
One small point. Don't put the word bugfix in the title (and fix
spelling of enable!). I know this is obviously a false restriction
on the driver, but it doesn't not work, it is just limited in features
without this.
Sure, thanks for letting me know.

On 08/17/2017 10:40 AM, Jonathan Cameron wrote:
This patch fixes by detaching the event related information from
chip_info struct,
and based on channel type and event direction the corresponding
event configuration registers
are picked dynamically. Hence multiple events can be handled in
read/write callbacks.
which chip can have which event(s)?
I am planning to add 'supported events' field in
One small point. Don't put the word bugfix in the title (and fix
spelling of enable!). I know this is obviously a false restriction
on the driver, but it doesn't not work, it is just limited in features
without this.