Re: [PATCH v3] Fix missing PCI ID; Necessary for Lenovo Yoga 720-15 Touchpad.

From: Andrew Donnellan
Date: Wed Aug 16 2017 - 01:59:47 EST

Hi Florian,

As Daniel said, good work on figuring out how to get this far!

There's a couple of minor issues with the formatting of this patch.

Firstly, as Lee said in response to the last version, you should change the summary line of the commit to indicate the contents of the patch more accurately.

Based on what I see in the git log, I'd suggest:

"mfd: intel-lpss: Add missing PCI ID"

The previous commits to this file also mention the type of chipset - I *think* this is Sunrise Point, but I don't work for Intel. :)

Don't mention the Lenovo touchpad in the summary - in the main body of the commit message is better.

On 13/08/17 06:16, Hoeze wrote:
From: Hoeze <Hoeze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

The name and email here is what's going to appear in the git commit log as the author of the commit. Generally, it should be the same as both the details in your Signed-off-by line, and the email should be the same as the email address you're sending from. If the name/email address in the commit is the same as the name/email address you're sending from, git send-email will actually skip this line completely.

You should probably try:

$ git config --global "Florian R. HÃlzlwimmer"
$ git config --global "git.ich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$ git commit --amend --reset-author

This will set your details in your git configuration, and then re-create the last commit using the correct authorship details.

If you then re-send it, it should skip this From: line and everything should be fine.


Andrew Donnellan OzLabs, ADL Canberra
andrew.donnellan@xxxxxxxxxxx IBM Australia Limited