Re: [PATCH] pci-hyperv: Use only 16 bit integer for PCI domain

From: Christoph Hellwig
Date: Tue Apr 25 2017 - 09:15:27 EST

Hi John,

please fix your quoting of the previous mails, thanks!

What ACPI defines does not matter at all. Linux uses 32-bit domains
IDs, and on x86 specifily uses those for non-ACPI enumarated domains
(e.g. VMD).

You've also not demontrated any issue with any Linux driver yet.

> would be nice if we could use Haiyang's patch as at least a
> temporary fix, because distros are just today releasing the previous code,
> and HyperV will start breaking "occasionally", depending on whether the
> 32-bit virtual (fake) PCI domain fits within 16 bits. (If not, then we can
> rush out a driver update to fix it, but there will be a window of time with
> some breakage there.)

Just send the fix to whatever driver is broken to the driver maintainer.
But I can't find a single broken driver in the tree, and as you know
nothing else matters for Linux anyway.