Re: [PATCH v2 0/5] minitty: a minimal TTY layer alternative for embedded systems

From: Nicolas Pitre
Date: Mon Apr 03 2017 - 12:07:34 EST

On Mon, 3 Apr 2017, Alan Cox wrote:

> If you need a tiny tiny tty layer console for some kind of not quite
> mini-Linux please just steal the one from Fuzix or something similar
> thats only a couple of K in size and only needs extremely simple send
> byte/rx byte type handlers.

This, however, requires that every UART driver be rewritten to suit this
code. I don't want to lose one of Linux's best advantage which is
extensive hardware support. I want to reuse as much of the existing
hardware drivers as possible unchanged.

I already have code that fits the Linux model and it weights
only 8K.

> Alternatively just compile out tty support entirely. What do you
> actually need ? Console doesn't need tty layer and if you have a
> debug/management interface that doesn't have to be tty and text based
> either.

It is nevertheless very convenient to be able to use a standard shell
with it. I can easily remove canonical mode support and then it is down
to 7.3K. Modem line control and runtime baudrate handling could also
trivially be configured out for yet more saving.

> Being able to compile out tty support would be useful, having two tty
> layers that are intertwined and now both totally unmaintable is not
> IMHO progress.

I beg to disagree here. First, before you call my code "totally
unmaintainable" I'd politely ask you to have a look at it first.

There is also very little intertwining here. My code does not rely on
the existing TTY code (except for the termios baudrate handling which I
factored out). I'm creating my own char devices on one end and
interacting with UART drivers using the same low-level call interface
used by the existing code at the other end. And given that it is much
simpler in termps of capabilities, it is also very easy to maintain.
