Re: Apparent backward time travel in timestamps on file creation

From: John Stultz
Date: Thu Mar 30 2017 - 14:49:16 EST

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 10:30 AM, David Howells <dhowells@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Thomas, John,
> I've been writing a testcase for xfstests to test statx. However, it's turned
> up what I think is a bug in the kernel's time-tracking system. If I do:
> date +%s.%N
> touch foo
> dump-timestamps foo
> such that foo is created, sometimes the atime, mtime and ctime timestamps on
> foo will be *before* the time printed by 'date'.
> For example:
> [root@andromeda ~]# Z=/b/zebra6; date +%s.%N; touch $Z; /tmp/dump-timestamps $Z
> 1490894656.267225764
> st_atime: 1490894656.267032686
> st_mtime: 1490894656.267032686
> st_ctime: 1490894656.267032686
> As can be seen, the three file timestamps are -193078 nsec from the prior
> clock time. This was with git commit:

Linus covered this already, as its a granularity difference, but it is
something that seems to crop up every few years.

If you want a timestamp that matches the granularity of what the
filesystem uses, you can use clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE,..),
which returns the same "time-at-the-last-tick" that filesystem
timestamps use (with the same performance benefit).

Though one slight correction to Linus' comment is that both filesystem
timestamps and CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE are NTP corrected, the main
performance gain is that one doesn't have go out and read the
clocksource and covert the cycles to nanoseconds.
