Re: [RFC v2 06/10] KVM: arm/arm64: Update the physical timer interrupt level
From: Marc Zyngier
Date: Tue Jan 31 2017 - 12:24:36 EST
On 30/01/17 19:06, Christoffer Dall wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 06:48:02PM +0000, Marc Zyngier wrote:
>> On 30/01/17 18:41, Christoffer Dall wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 05:50:03PM +0000, Marc Zyngier wrote:
>>>> On 30/01/17 15:02, Christoffer Dall wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 03:21:06PM +0000, Marc Zyngier wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 27 2017 at 01:04:56 AM, Jintack Lim <jintack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Now that we maintain the EL1 physical timer register states of VMs,
>>>>>>> update the physical timer interrupt level along with the virtual one.
>>>>>>> Note that the emulated EL1 physical timer is not mapped to any hardware
>>>>>>> timer, so we call a proper vgic function.
>>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Jintack Lim <jintack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> virt/kvm/arm/arch_timer.c | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>>> 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)
>>>>>>> diff --git a/virt/kvm/arm/arch_timer.c b/virt/kvm/arm/arch_timer.c
>>>>>>> index 0f6e935..3b6bd50 100644
>>>>>>> --- a/virt/kvm/arm/arch_timer.c
>>>>>>> +++ b/virt/kvm/arm/arch_timer.c
>>>>>>> @@ -180,6 +180,21 @@ static void kvm_timer_update_mapped_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool new_level,
>>>>>>> WARN_ON(ret);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> +static void kvm_timer_update_irq(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, bool new_level,
>>>>>>> + struct arch_timer_context *timer)
>>>>>>> +{
>>>>>>> + int ret;
>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>> + BUG_ON(!vgic_initialized(vcpu->kvm));
>>>>>> Although I've added my fair share of BUG_ON() in the code base, I've
>>>>>> since reconsidered my position. If we get in a situation where the vgic
>>>>>> is not initialized, maybe it would be better to just WARN_ON and return
>>>>>> early rather than killing the whole box. Thoughts?
>>>>> The distinction to me is whether this will cause fatal crashes or
>>>>> exploits down the road if we're working on uninitialized data. If all
>>>>> that can happen if the vgic is not initialized, is that the guest
>>>>> doesn't see interrupts, for example, then a WARN_ON is appropriate.
>>>>> Which is the case here?
>>>>> That being said, do we need this at all? This is in the critial path
>>>>> and is actually measurable (I know this from my work on the other timer
>>>>> series), so it's better to get rid of it if we can. Can we simply
>>>>> convince ourselves this will never happen, and is the code ever likely
>>>>> to change so that it gets called with the vgic disabled later?
>>>> That'd be the best course of action. I remember us reworking some of
>>>> that in the now defunct vgic-less series. Maybe we could salvage that
>>>> code, if only for the time we spent on it...
>>> Ah, we never merged it? Were we waiting on a userspace implementation
>>> or agreement on the ABI?
>> We were waiting on the userspace side to be respun against the latest
>> API, and there were some comments from Peter (IIRC) about supporting
>> PPIs in general (the other timers and the PMU, for example).
>> None of that happened, as the most vocal proponent of the series
>> apparently lost interest.
>>> There was definitely a useful cleanup with the whole enabled flag thing
>>> on the timer I remember.
>> Indeed. We should at least try to resurrect that bit.
> It's probably worth it trying to resurrect the whole thing I think,
> especially since I think the implementation ended up looking quite nice.
Indeed. My only concern is about the userspace counterpart, which hasn't
materialized when expected. Hopefully it will this time around!
> I can add a rebase of that to my list of never-ending timer rework.
We all know that you can do that while sleeping! ;-)
Jazz is not dead. It just smells funny...