Backlight off at boot

From: Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
Date: Tue Aug 30 2016 - 04:58:22 EST

Hello all,

I have been experiencing an issue with a SAMA5D3 Xplained board where
the attached LCD panel would boot up completely white until an
application that uses DRM is actually started.

After some investigation I found that this happens because by default,
backlight devices are immediately enabled when registered.

A solution involving a new "backlight-boot-off" DT property was
discussed some time ago [1], but was never merged. I think this would
be useful in general; see for example [2]. I know there is a concern
that configuration should not be part of the device tree, but this is
not much different from the "default-brightness-level" property, and
no other solutions have been proposed.

Are there any plans to implement something like this?


Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia