Re: [PATCH 3/4] ARM: dts: da850-lcdk: Add NAND to DT

From: Karl Beldan
Date: Wed Aug 10 2016 - 14:03:56 EST

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 02:01:57PM +0530, Sekhar Nori wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 August 2016 10:45 PM, Karl Beldan wrote:
> > This adds DT support for the NAND connected to the SoC AEMIF.
> > The parameters (timings, ecc) are the same as what the board ships with
> > (default AEMIF timings, 1bit ECC) and improvements will be handled in
> > due course.
> I disagree that we need to be compatible to the software that ships with
> the board. Thats software was last updated 3 years ago. Instead I would
> concern with what the hardware supports. So, if the hardware can support
> 4-bit ECC, I would use that.
I am not saying we _need_ to be compatible.

> If driver is broken for 4-bit ECC, please fix that up first.
Since this issue is completely separate from my DT improvements
I'll stick to resubmitting the series, applying my LCDK changes to the
EVM too, besides you'll be able to compare the behavior without ECC
I took note that you are likely to not apply without the ECC fix.


> > This passed elementary tests hashing a 20MB file on top of ubifs on my
> > LCDK.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Karl Beldan <kbeldan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Thanks,
> Sekhar