Re: clk: Per controller locks (prepare & enable)

From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Tue Jul 05 2016 - 02:34:04 EST

On 07/04/2016 05:15 PM, Javier Martinez Canillas wrote:
> Hello Krzysztof,
> On 07/04/2016 04:24 AM, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
>> On 06/30/2016 06:22 PM, Javier Martinez Canillas wrote:
>>>> Question:
>>>> What do you think about it? I know that talk is cheap and code looks
>>>> better but before starting the work I would like to hear some
>>>> comments/opinions/ideas.
>>> The problem is that the enable and prepare operations are propagated to
>>> the parents, so what the locks want to protecting is really a sub-tree
>>> of the clock tree. They currently protect the whole clock hierarchy to
>>> make sure that the changes in the clock tree are atomically.
>> Although there is a hierarchy between clocks from different controllers
>> but still these are all clocks controllers coming from one hardware
>> device (like SoC). At least on Exynos, I think there is no real
>> inter-device dependencies. The deadlock you mentioned (and which I want
>> to fix) is between:
> Yes, my point was that this may not be the case in all systems. IOW the
> framework should be generic enough to allow hierarchies where a parent
> clock is a clock provided by a different controller from a different HW.

Is there such configuration?

>> 1. clock in PMIC (the one needed by s3c_rtc_probe()),
>> 2. clock for I2C in SoC (the one needed by regmap_write()),
>> 3. and regmap lock:
>> What I want to say is that the relationship between clocks even when
>> crossing clock controller boundaries is still self-contained. It is
>> simple parent-child relationship so acquiring both
>> clock-controller-level locks is safe.
> Is safe if the clock controllers are always aquired in the same order but
> I'm not sure if that will always be the case. I.e: you have controllers A
> and B that have clocks A{1,2} and B{1,2} respectively. So you could have
> something like this:
> A1 with parent B1
> B2 with parent A2

Again, is there such configuration? We thought here about it and at
least it is not known to us. Of course this is not a proof that such
configuration does not exist...

> That can cause a deadlock since in the first case, the controller A will be
> aquired and then the controller B but in the other case, the opposite order
> will be attempted.


>> Current dead lock looks like, simplifying your code:
>> A: B:
>> lock(regmap)
>> lock(prepare)
>> lock(prepare) - wait
>> lock(regmap) - wait
>> When split locks per clock controller this would be:
>> A: B:
>> lock(regmap)
>> lock(s2mps11)
>> lock(i2c/exynos)
>> lock(regmap) - wait
>> do the transfer
>> unlock(i2c/exynos)
>> unlock(regmap)
>> lock(regmap) - acquired
>> lock(i2c/exynos)
>> do the transfer
>> unlock(i2c/exynos)
>> unlock(regmap)
>> unlock(s2mps11)
> Yes, splitting the lock per controller will fix the possible deadlock in
> this case but I think we need an approach that is safe for all possible
> scenarios. Otherwise it will work more by coincidence than due a design.

This is not a coincidence. This design is meant to fix this deadlock.
Not by coincidence. By design.

You are talking about theoretical different configurations... without
even real bug reports. I am providing an idea to fix a real deadlock and
your argument is that it might not fix other (non-reported) deadlocks.
These other deadlocks happen now as well probably...

Best regards,