RE: [PATCH v1 02/20] clocksource: Add NPS400 timers driver

From: Noam Camus
Date: Tue Nov 03 2015 - 11:09:13 EST

From: Vineet Gupta [mailto:Vineet.Gupta1@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 1:04 PM

>> +
>> + upper = ioread32be(upper_p);

>Consider using the _relaxed macros even if your platform doesn't have specific IO barriers.
[Noam Camus] What is the big endian flavor for _relaxed macros.

>> + counter = upper;
>> + counter <<= 32;
>> + counter |= lower;

>It is easier to read:

>counter = (upper << 32) | lower;

Thanks I will update

- Noam

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