Re: [RFD] pstore: pmsg: ramoops: add multiple pmsg instances

From: Mark Salyzyn
Date: Fri Oct 09 2015 - 12:15:12 EST

On 10/08/2015 06:52 PM, Hiraku Toyooka wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to make the feature of multiple pmsg instances for ramoops.
I like it, in fact I encourage it.

This is somewhat/exactly what I did when I first created pmsg, but
decided to simplify to one instance for the first release because I was
unsure how many bona fide user space consumers there would be, so kept
the patch small. I kept the instance number 0 around to allow for
expanding this optional feature without introducing incompatibility. But
I sold the idea that multiple writers on single instance can occur if a
common protocol was used. For my own usage (Android) one instance was
more than enough.

Multiple instances does allow one to control individual content aging or
priority, I agree with your assessment, but make sure that you have a
bona fide user for it (even if it is just for yourself)?

NB: ToDo: device tree support for pstore configuration


Sincerely -- Mark Salyzyn
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